
Sunday, July 31, 2005

Not much from the underground.

       Everyone should drop by my comic again.  No, it's not updated, but I did fix a few things.  The sidebar is formatted correctly now and I added a comment box so you can all tell me how fantastically crappy the drawings are.  I was actually thinking about writing Badly Drawn Boy and offering to do his next album art.  He's Badly Drawn Boy, I draw a boy badly... It's a match made in heaven.
       As for real comics, everyone should read Flight.  It's really interesting.  Being that it's an anthology there are some misses.  On the whole it's really good.  And it's the first time I've seen Copper in print.  Copper is fucking gorgeous! Flight volume 2 is out as well, though I haven't read it yet.
       In book news I finished Created in Darkness by Troubled Americans.  There were a few slow ones, and the one about the supreme court was a fantastic concept that just never paced well, but a bunch of the lists at the end had me laughing so hard!  I actually had to excuse myself and go upstairs because I just howling.  Read it or I will eat your soul.  I just started You Shall Know Our Velocity.  I haven't gotten very far, but it's good so far.  And it's Eggers so it will probably continue to rock.  Eggers just has this ability to jump between sarcasm and poetry that simply stuns.  It's the same factor that Sedaris is missing in his written work that Eggers own like a mother-fucker in all of his stuff. 
       Well, I'm off to catch Harvey Birdman and then The 4400.  Thank god I don't have to open tomorrow.

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