
Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Photo filler!

Was was going to review Spiderman 3.  I saw it on Sunday.  I'm still not fully recovered so I'll just put up some arty filler.  Here are two shots from the storm we had on the first.  Comment in and let me know what you think.  These are my first lightening pictures ever, so keep that in mind.  Also, I have to give some credit to Jeff, who helped me with some artistic choices for the first picture. 

And of course, you can see some more stuff at my DeviantArt account which is, as always, linked to on my sidebar.  Comments?  Criticism?

The other thing I want to put out there is about audiobooks.  I'm back to scanning at work so I am going through my audio files like mad.  I'm about to start the last book of the His Dark Materials trilogy.  If anyone has audiobooks or podcasts they can recommend, I'm "all ears".  Really though, just toss anything out there.  You don't even have to lend it to me.  I work at a library.  If you know it exists and it's good, let me know.

And with those two prompts I expect the comments to come flying in.

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