
Thursday, May 3, 2007

Little update

Life is just chugging along. A big thing is that I am now done with the museum project. For anyone who has heard me complain about it, you know it's a bit of a mixed blessing. It's back to scanning now, though there will be one last trip to drop off the hard drives. In the personal realm, Al and I just got an officiant for the wedding. That is good. All that's left is a florist and we're set. Creatively, I have some stuff to post. I want to start reviewing books I read. I'll be posting about The Golden Compass shortly.  I'll give you a hint, though: it was good.  I have some photos to toss up as well.  I went out and took my first lighting shots with what I think are good results.  I am also working on 2 more movie scripts.  Technically, I'm working on 3, but my college final has been on the back burner for a while.  All of that is keeping me pretty busy, but what the hell.  I think I'll also work on my graphic novel and maybe a kids book or two with Sylvia. On Joost:  I was a bit surprised that i barely managed to give away 3 invites when they are going like hotcakes elsewhere. In case anyone out there still wants one, my invite count went up to 998.  So hurry before they're all gone.Let's see, since this is a post of randomness then I'll just toss out web sites.
  • Did you like the PG version of 300.  Then you might like this commercially augmented trailer for Spiderman 3.
  • The pill that stops menstruation (while you're on it) has been causing a lot of issues in feminist circles.  I think that's kind of dumb.  I know that there's a lot of pride in the cycle, but I think stating your gender identity on it is really a knee jerk reaction.  The whole fertility as identity is cool with me.  Goddess and all that.  But they never worshiped the actual menstruation in those cultures.  It's the ability to create life.  Menstruation was just a visible show of that ability.  This pill doesn't change a woman's identity anymore than the monthly pill does.  It's just a method of regulation.  It should be looked at as more freeing, if anything.  Here's a big secret: if you're on the pill now then you're not having a period.  What?!  Yeah, you're not actually releasing any eggs.  That's all just for show.  So the only difference between the pill now and this new one is that your body is a little more honest about what's going on.  But the truth of the matter is, I just wanted to link to that cartoon image.
  • That's just awesome.
  • It looks like the daylight-savings time change is causing a lot of unanticipated problems.
  •  Batman to Robin: "When you get a little older, you'll see how easy it is to become lured by the female of the species."

Since there's really no way to top that, I suppose I'll end here.

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