
Tuesday, September 6, 2005

Low-Fat Apple Struessel Muffin


       A woman came up to the cafe today and started asking about muffins.  It was hilarious.  Let me recount the tale:

Her:  I'll have the low-fat banana nut muffin.
Me:  Actually, it's the low-fat apple muffin.
Her:  Ok, I'll have that.
Me:  Actually, we're out of that.
Her:  That's ok.  I'll have the banana nut muffin.  Is it the same thing as the apple muffin?
Me:  Yeah, it's the same.  Except it doesn't have any apple in it.  And it has bananas and nuts. 

At this point a woman on line started laughing hysterically, trying to hold back but not very successfully.  "That's why it's called a banana nut muffin," she gasped.

I was dead serious at the time but going over it again, I'm crying because I'm laughing so hard.  Oh, lord.

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