
Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Well, that was strange

            I’ve got a lot of stuff to blog about.  Some of it is serious, some just funky junk-net stuff.  But I’m not going to get to those tonight.

            I pulled an all-nighter and finished my last paper (ever).  I woke myself up after I went to sleep.  Sometimes you wake up because you’re coughing.  Some people wake themselves when they turn over or roll around a lot.  I woke up laughing hysterically.  And it’s not linked to finals being over.  I had a funny dream and started laughing.  And then I laughed some more.  Until I woke myself up.  And after I woke up I kept laughing.  Waking up to your own laughter is one of the strangest feelings in the world.  Really confused the hell out of me.

            I’ll get back to writing more, and on a more regular basis once I get home.

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