
Wednesday, October 22, 2008

LolHeroes - Season 3, episode 6

I know I've been lax and missed 3 episodes.  I might go back, but while I was watching them I was too depressed by the lack of AMAZING that Heroes has spoiled me with in the past.  Well, never fear.  LOLHeroes are back and funny once more.

I left that one as is because... well, it's so fucking cute that re-captioning wouldn't help.  But when you hit the end I made you a special internet toy to keep.

You know.  Because he's Rafiki.

This show is really not doing to well.  They keep telling us about papa Patrelli but we already have mama to fill the "family conspiracy" quota.  They are drawing out the Hiro story again, and killed off Adam.  The Hiro/Adam part was what held the most promise!  Parkman is cute but under-used.  No one really cares about Nathan/Not-Niki.  Mohinder is laughable at this point.  I really do expect him to whisper "take a shot" every time he's on camera.  Oh, and Ashly is convinced that the writers are going to Rickroll the audience at some point this season.

I had some ideas to fix the show but it's so far gone at this point that they have to take their own path, no matter how bad a choice that is.  So what I propose is that NBC gives me a spinoff.  I have two ideas:
  1. Do a show about all the neglected characters like "Invisible" Claude, "TV" Monica, "GPS" Molly, "beep-boop-beep, I talk to machines" Micah, The Haitian, "Zap" Elle, and "Token Human" Audrey "Clea DuVall" Hanson.

    With special guest "I talk to machines but not like Micah" Hana Gitelman as "The Satellite of Love"
  2. Your other option is to give me a few choice characters and let me run amok with them.  I choose Matt Parkman and his turtle.

    The plot is: Adam is inhaled by the turtle and awakens inside of its body.  Being a turtle he cannot speak so only Matt can understand him through his telepathy.  They pick up Molly and move to New York where they get an apartment above a bar together.  Adam and Matt go out and solve crimes.  Matt uses his mental abilities to read minds and Adam uses his awesome immortal-turtle powers to sit around and sometimes recreate the last scene from Tuck Everlasting.  Good times are had by all.

Oh, and as promised, your Hiro toy.

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