
Thursday, October 6, 2005

Update from the whirl of words

       This is more of an update than a post, really.  I've been wracking my brains for a one act to submit to PlayOffs.  As much as I hate to admit it, I really want to win.  Stupid people trying to help me out.  Damn you all!  But yeah, the winner gets rehearsal space and a (tiny) budget to do a production for finals.  And the winner of that wins (a tiny) $100.  More than that, though, anyone chosen to participate gets full casting and directing control.  That would be a nice something to have under my belt.
       On another creative note I just found my Freddy and the Scream portfolio.  That means I have scripts again!  More Freddy soon to come!  I've gotten a couple of complaints/requests for them but I didn't know what I had planned.  Sorry guys.  Now I have the whole plot back and you'll be seeing strips popping up once more.
       Let's see.  Play contest, Freddy comics...  I still have a few fiction submissions floating around out there but worst comes to worst I can crawl back to the Cerebral Catalyst for some more credits.  Kidding, really.  Because I love.  Oh!  I bought a pirate coat.  Should be here by Friday.  I got it online but saw it in a costume shop toady in the color I ordered: burgundy.  It looks nice.  I will be one mighty fine Captain Hook.  I wanted to go as Hook pre hand cutting incident but Allison says no one will get it.  And if anyone wants to buy me a present, get me this.
       I guess that's all to say.  I told you it was more of an update than a real post.  Just saying that I've come up with material, not what the material actually is.  Thank you and good night.

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