
Sunday, February 25, 2007

I just saw Ghost Rider...

... which led to a conversation where I made the following comment: "Nobody says Keanu Reeves is their favorite actor. That's like saying McDonald's is their favorite writer because they have a menu." Oddly enough that is also my review of Ghost Rider.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

It's VD!

It's Valentine's Day.  Happy VD to all! And Brian says: "Give the HI-5 on VD"

Thursday, February 8, 2007

Since I don't have time to write a real post...

I'll do one of those "read and respond" things. But between the minor OD, promotion-ish at work, learning to program, my new iPaq and writing a movie I really don't have time for anything original. Soon, though. Soon. Maybe a week? I don't know So I'll this out. It's one of those things where you list books/movies/tv that you like and people respond with who you would be in that universe. If none are applicable I expect witty comments. Witty! 1. Heroes 2. Firefly 3. Harry Potter 4. Dr. Who/Torchwood 5. Buffyverse     (Ashly, you would think that someone known for such witty dialog would have a better continuity name) 6. Sorkin-verse.     I made that one up. SportNight, Studio60, West Wing. 7. X-Men     a.  comics     b.  movies     c.  evolution 8. DC comics         I'm just listing things as they pop into mind now. 9. BPRD 10.  Sandman I know.  I never post these but it'll remind you I'm still around and give me time to get things back on track.  Just drop a comment on the ones you know.  I'm going to assume that no one will comment on 4 and most will skip 6 and 9 as well.